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LAKTASWIRE 577105949ec668104caf9d53 Products
  • 2019-02-12T11:39:04

Knitted Wire Mesh Mist Eliminators Demister Pad Manufacturer In India. We Have Developed Our Leading Position Through A Commitment To Customer Service, Technical Expertise, Product Innovation And A 'Can Do' Philosophy. Knitted Wire Mesh Mist Eliminators Are Sometimes Called Crinkled Wire Mesh Or Mesh Blankets. Laktas Has Manufactured Thick Pads Of Knitted Wire Mesh For Use In The Oil And Gas Industry Since 1990. Knitted Wire Mesh Is A Cost-Effective, Reliable Solution That Is Well Proven And It Continues To Be Used In Modern Equipment Designs Today. The Knitted Wire Media Provides Surface Area For Entrained Liquid Droplets To Strike, Adhere And Coalesce Into A Free Flowing Liquid Film Which Drains By Gravity. The Souders-Brown Equation, A Function Of Gas Velocity, Gas Density And Liquid Density, Is Used To Determine The Appropriate Flowing Velocity For A Given System. The Souders-Brown Equation Is: Where Vg = Design Gas Velocity K = Capacity Factor Pl = Liquid Density Pg = Gas Density The Capacity Factor Is Determined Through Experience And For Each Application. It Is Influenced By The Type And Style Of Mist Eliminator, The Relative Geometry Of Mist Eliminator To Vapor Flow, As Well As Process Considerations Such As Operating Pressure, Fluid Viscosities And Liquid Surface Tension. Typical Values Are 0.35 Ft/Sec For Vertical Flow And 0.42 Ft/Sec For Horizontal Flow, Assuming An Air Water System At Ambient Conditions.

Knitted Wire Mesh Mist Eliminators Demister Pad Manufacturer In India. We Have Developed Our Leading Position Through A Commitment To Customer Service, Technical Expertise, Product Innovation And A 'Can Do' Philosophy. Knitted Wire Mesh Mist Eliminators Are Sometimes Called Crinkled Wire Mesh Or Mesh Blankets. Laktas Has Manufactured Thick Pads Of Knitted Wire Mesh For Use In The Oil And Gas Industry Since 1990. Knitted Wire Mesh Is A Cost-Effective, Reliable Solution That Is Well Proven And It Continues To Be Used In Modern Equipment Designs Today. The Knitted Wire Media Provides Surface Area For Entrained Liquid Droplets To Strike, Adhere And Coalesce Into A Free Flowing Liquid Film Which Drains By Gravity. The Souders-Brown Equation, A Function Of Gas Velocity, Gas Density And Liquid Density, Is Used To Determine The Appropriate Flowing Velocity For A Given System. The Souders-Brown Equation Is: Where Vg = Design Gas Velocity K = Capacity Factor Pl = Liquid Density Pg = Gas Density The Capacity Factor Is Determined Through Experience And For Each Application. It Is Influenced By The Type And Style Of Mist Eliminator, The Relative Geometry Of Mist Eliminator To Vapor Flow, As Well As Process Considerations Such As Operating Pressure, Fluid Viscosities And Liquid Surface Tension. Typical Values Are 0.35 Ft/Sec For Vertical Flow And 0.42 Ft/Sec For Horizontal Flow, Assuming An Air Water System At Ambient Conditions.

  • 2019-02-12T11:39:04

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